Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Quick introduction to the course

  • 2

    Welcome to the course!

    • Here's a message from your instructor

    • Before we begin...

    • Your Grant Tracking Sheet

  • 3

    Let's get started!

    • Welcome to grant writing

    • Where do we start?

    • Find who’s doing what you want to do

    • The basics of this course

    • Why should you listen to me?

    • Deciding if this is for you

    • What is a grant?

    • Grant writing doesn't require talent

    • What are grants designed to do?

    • There’s so much money available

  • 4

    Five easy grant writing steps!

    • 5 R's to writing proposals

    • Do your research

    • Research different finding opportunities

    • Learn by reading proposals

    • How to rally people

    • Writing & reviewing your proposal

  • 5

    More tips on grants!

    • About grant websites

    • Pre-work on registrations

    • About eligibility

    • Federal agency funding

    • State government funding

    • More on writing your proposal

    • Your proposal submission

    • Your budget narrative

    • Submission evaluation tips

    • Thank You!

  • 6

    Next Steps...

    • Congratulations & what's next!

    • Before you go...

Get Started Today!

Learn all you need to know about grants & grant writing in 5 easy steps